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Common Questions regarding Business Valuation

What is the process to complete a business valuation? Valuing a privately held business is not an exact science. To do it accurately requires experience and the ability to examine all the risk factors and value drivers involved. A business valuation typically takes three to five weeks to complete, depending on the size and scope… Continue >>>

Separating Personal Goodwill in a Corporation Sale

A sale of a corporation under an asset sale arrangement should be carefully planned to establish the personal goodwill that may exist and if it is being sold in a “separate transaction” apart from the sale of the assets of the corporation. This is particularly true where a closely-held C corporation’s transaction deal is structured… Continue >>>

Benchmarking (adding value)

Assessing risk is a crucial part of valuing a closely-held business. Business appraisers use risk assessments in the income approach to estimate rates of return (discount rates) and in the market approach to select valuation multiples. All else being equal, the higher a company’s risk, the lower its value, conversely lower risk (value drivers) increases… Continue >>>

Creating a Reliable Buy-Sell Agreement

A buy-sell agreement can be an important tool in smoothing any business ownership transition, whether the aim is to maintain control, provide liquidity and a ready market for the stock, retain key employees or ensure an orderly ownership transfer in the case of death, disability or divorce. Of course, it’s important to decide how to… Continue >>>

When an EBITDA Valuation Multiple Doesn’t Work

Many business owner’s when they want to sell their business, often read about an EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) valuation multiples. But when they’re questioned further, what they really mean is they want to sell for a higher EBITDA valuation multiple than discussed in the industry journals. Here, I will identify occurrences… Continue >>>

Is there a Doctor or Appraiser in the House?

Over the years, we at American Business Appraisers have come to appreciate the many similarities between the practices of medicine and business appraisal: Both involve science – careful, systematic observation and gathering of facts, Application of proven theories, Both involve art – the use of informed, reasoned judgments based on experience and training, Both physicians… Continue >>>

Three Key Factors in Business Valuation

The three key factors are profitability, growth and risk. Profitability, or more specifically, anticipated benefits will be the most important consideration by investors (i. e., buyers). Anticipated benefits will consider such items as the nature, capital structure, and historical performance. Growth considerations are generally the expected growth in earnings, along with the anticipated outlook for… Continue >>>

Our Lease Agreement On Some Machinery And Equipment Will Be Expiring Soon. Can Your Certified Machinery Appraiser Conduct An Appraisal To Be Used In Buyout Negotiations?

We can be your heavy machinery appraiser for negotiations of the buyout of lease equipment. Our equipment valuation services include heavy equipment appraisals, farm equipment appraisals, construction equipment appraisals, and more. Valuation of machinery is vital to the buyout process, and as a certified machinery and equipment appraiser we make sure it is done correctly… Continue >>>

EBITDA Adjustments

At least weekly we are asked to look through a valuation report, and find ourselves saying, “what in the world…?” Most often, the document supplied to us for review, cites earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) with adjustments to historical financial information. Adjustments can be perfectly acceptable, as owners run excess personal expenses… Continue >>>

Looking Beyond Cash Flow to Build Company Value

A value-minded owner should search for ways to lower the company’s perceived risks to potential buyers or investors by: Creating a formal business plan. Forecasts and projections facilitate due diligence and demonstrate management depth. But buyers might critique a seller’s business plan and modify them with their own assumptions. Budgeted and actual results should be… Continue >>>

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