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Very Basics of Business Valuation

Very Basics of Business Valuation

The term “value” means different things to different individuals. I’m not sure who made that statement many years ago, but it still holds true today. The perceived value depends on the interpretations, circumstances and role of the shareholder(s). Without carefully defining the term “value”, a conclusion reached in a valuation report will have no meaning.… Continue >>>

EBITDA Adjustments

At least weekly we are asked to look through a valuation report, and find ourselves saying, “what in the world…?” Most often, the document supplied to us for review, cites earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) with adjustments to historical financial information. Adjustments can be perfectly acceptable, as owners run excess personal expenses… Continue >>>

Reasonable Compensation Guidance

Adjustments for reasonable or replacement compensation – whether in corporate practice or when conducting a business valuation can be one of the most difficult adjustments to quantify. There are numerous factors that should be considered when adjusting compensation levels. Oftentimes, American Business Appraisers find an individual’s, whether they are the owner or principle within the… Continue >>>

Is there a Doctor or Appraiser in the House?

Over the years, we at American Business Appraisers have come to appreciate the many similarities between the practices of medicine and business appraisal: Both involve science – careful, systematic observation and gathering of facts, Application of proven theories, Both involve art – the use of informed, reasoned judgments based on experience and training, Both physicians… Continue >>>

Common Questions regarding Business Valuation

What is the process to complete a business valuation? Valuing a privately held business is not an exact science. To do it accurately requires experience and the ability to examine all the risk factors and value drivers involved. A business valuation typically takes three to five weeks to complete, depending on the size and scope… Continue >>>

Quality of Financial Information – is it Important?

When we develop an opinion of value for a particular operating business, we look at the quality of the financial information as either an additional risk factor or value driver. In business valuation and especially from an investor’s viewpoint, quality of the financial information or truthfulness of the data plays an important role. Everyone has… Continue >>>

FAQ’s About Key Person Consideration

Virtually every business has centralized management and/or relies on the talents of a few individuals. This risk of centralized management is taken into account for business valuation purposes in the company’s future earnings or rate of return (i.e., discount rate). In some cases, however, one person is the linchpin, and if he or she leaves… Continue >>>

Creating a Reliable Buy-Sell Agreement

A buy-sell agreement can be an important tool in smoothing any business ownership transition, whether the aim is to maintain control, provide liquidity and a ready market for the stock, retain key employees or ensure an orderly ownership transfer in the case of death, disability or divorce. Of course, it’s important to decide how to… Continue >>>

Market Transactional Valuation Multiples are not about Averages

In October of 2003, I co-chaired a valuation roundtable session with Dr. Shannon Pratt, a highly regarded individual within the business appraisal profession. A question was asked regarding the use of market data in the market approach as it applies to the valuation of closely held companies. I thought it would be helpful to revisit… Continue >>>

Goodwill and its Importance to the Business

What exactly does the term “goodwill” mean when it comes to buying or selling a business? Usually, the term “goodwill” is a reference to all the effort that an individual(s) puts into a business over the years that he or she has operated that business. In a sense, goodwill is the difference between an array… Continue >>>

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